Strange Borough elections for me this year as I am not a candidate this time – family and work take up most of my time at the moment
Typically, Thomas (5 and a half months) chose Polling Day to have a very rare lie-in and so did his dad (not deliberately – who sets an alarm clock when you have 2 children under 3 years old?).
10 am vote with Sarah – first time I’ve voted in person for many years but I don’t have 100% confidence in the post or the postal vote system. There are reports that some postal ballots are being rejected because people wrote the date of signature on the form, not their date of birth – so it doesn’t match with their original application.
Didn’t the Labour Government pilot these things first?
At 10.15 I finally started doing my bit by putting our Polling Day leaflet through letter boxes. Cheered up by a voter from Sweden on our way to vote for us – apparently she had not had any other leaflets from other parties. That seemed a bit odd as the Tories have been active in parts of that ward.
Now parenting for 4 hours then back to fray with some door knocking of students, telling and the evening reminders to our supporters to vote.
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