A Timely Reform by Ian Ridley

Blog & web site of Ian Ridley

Iain M. Banks in Leicester

Iain M. Banks

Iain M. Banks

I went to my first ever book signing on Friday. Iain M. Banks was at the Phoenix Square in Leicester as part of a mini-tour to launch the paperback of his novel Surface Detail.

It was great timinng for me as I’d finished the book a few days ago, just as a friend alerted me to the event on Facebook. I love most of Iain M. Banks’ science fiction novels and keep meaning to read more of his non-science fiction work.

The evening, organised by alt.fiction included a reading from the novel by Iain followed by a Q & A session. He came across as a personable and engaging speaker and it was interesting to hear his responses to various questions about the Culture, science fiction and writing in general.

You can listen to a podcast of the evening thanks to the nice people at Un:Bound.

Surface Detail

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