A Timely Reform by Ian Ridley

Blog & web site of Ian Ridley

Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

Conference update and web site woes

Monday, September 20th, 2010

I’m already behind in my attempts to do daily arm chair comments on Conference. But I will plough on through the BBC Parliament back log as I get time.

Just the one comment on Monday so far: Free Schools were rejected by Conference in the morning. This was another opportunity for Nick Clegg to stand up and say: “We don’t agree with the Tories on Free Schools but it’s part of the give and take of coalition government.”

Unfortunately he said, “….we will allow people to set up new schools.”

So Nick still holds to the coalition line on Free Schools and ignores the chance to be distinctive from the Tories on the issue.

Still at least there was, “.. but we will not allow them to pick and choose the brightest. No to more selection.”

Be warned that my site could be replaced with a Turkish Flag at any point. A Turkish hacker has hacked most of the sites on the server but my hosting company assures me it is working on it.

What I want to hear from Nick today

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Nick Clegg at ConferenceI’ll keep it to the point:

  • We will loosen cabinet collective responsibility so that Lib Dem and Tory ministers can explain to voters the policies that each party brings to the table and where the Tories have vetoed or adapted our policies and where we have vetoed or adapted their policies;
  • Lib Dem policies that make it into law will not just be used take the edge off cuts and tax rises (the increase in the income tax thresholds for low earners has at best been neutralised by the VAT increase).

Conference Media Pick – Sunday

Monday, September 20th, 2010

TV cameraVideo

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