A Timely Reform by Ian Ridley

Blog & web site of Ian Ridley

December, 2018Archive for

Write to your MP about Tuesday’s Brexit Vote

Sunday, December 9th, 2018

I’ve just emailed the following to my MP, Neil O’Brien neil.obrien.mp@parliament.uk . He intends to vote for Theresa May’s deal on Tuesday, a deal which his voters do not support. Harborough, Oadby and Wigston friends please write to him too. We have to get a #peoplesvote to sort this mess out.

Of course if you don’t live in Harborough Constituency, you can still write to your local MP.

Dear Mr. O’Brien,

I am writing to urge you to vote to reject the Brexit deal this week in the Commons. Any deal short of a complete trade and customs break from the EU, will require the UK to conform with EU regulations without our current ability to democratically draft and amend those regulations.

A complete break will be economically disastrous for the UK and is not a rational option.

As the consequences of Brexit have become apparent of the past 30 months, it has become clear that the best deal of all is the one that the UK already has: continued membership of the European Union.

Our membership fee pays for itself many times over in the prosperity, peace and the sorely-needed action on the environment and climate change that remaining in the EU brings.

The implications of Brexit have seen Harborough voters change their minds since 2016: polling over the past few months shows that a majority support both a People’s Vote on the final deal and Remaining in the EU.

In light of this, I also urge you to support a referendum on the final deal, with the option to revoke Article 50 and continue with our EU membership. This is the only way out of the mess of Brexit to secure the future economic success of our country and continued peace and action on climate change with our neighbours in the rest of Europe