A Timely Reform by Ian Ridley

Blog & web site of Ian Ridley

June, 2011Archive for

That Pensions Statement

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Why has the coalition gone public today with details of public sector pension changes?

The coalition say it is to stop details of their position leaking out and being misrepresented.

Some unions have said this is a desperate attempt to bypass union leaders and appeal directly to public sector workers.

More than likely the truth is a mixture of things. We know that the ATL and NUT chose to undermine the negotiations and balloted for strike action.

The negotiations may now be stalling although they were recently reported as being near to a deal.

I suspect that the talks have gone as far as they can and more unions have indicated they will ballot to strike. So the coalition have pre-empted this with today’s statement.

The most telling move was Labour’s silence on the policy itself. I thought the unions would be demanding more in return for getting Ed Miliband his job.

Zombies in Leicester satirised

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Leicester City Council’s lack of preparedness for a zombie invasion was recently uncovered by a bizarre Freedom of Information request.

Now the incident has featured on this evening’s topical satire The Now Show on Radio 4.

You should be able to listen to it via the BBC iPlayer or the Friday Night Comedy Podcast

Iain M. Banks in Leicester

Sunday, June 5th, 2011
Iain M. Banks

Iain M. Banks

I went to my first ever book signing on Friday. Iain M. Banks was at the Phoenix Square in Leicester as part of a mini-tour to launch the paperback of his novel Surface Detail.

It was great timinng for me as I’d finished the book a few days ago, just as a friend alerted me to the event on Facebook. I love most of Iain M. Banks’ science fiction novels and keep meaning to read more of his non-science fiction work.

The evening, organised by alt.fiction included a reading from the novel by Iain followed by a Q & A session. He came across as a personable and engaging speaker and it was interesting to hear his responses to various questions about the Culture, science fiction and writing in general.

You can listen to a podcast of the evening thanks to the nice people at Un:Bound.

Surface Detail